Switching Off: Saying No to Notifications

This morning when you woke up, you made a pact with yourself to leave the office at 5:30pm. You were going to walk the dog, make a delicious dinner and do that load of whites you’ve been putting off. Yet it’s somehow 8:30pm already and you’ve been saying ‘one last email’ for the past two hours. Sound familiar?

Whilst a get-it-done approach to working in real estate isn’t a bad thing – it’s great to have a passion for what you do and the determination to hit your KPIs – the best way to achieve your goals is with a clear outlook and a focused mind. And the way to this happy state of focus? Taking time out!

For many property managers and real estate professionals, it’s difficult to find the ‘off switch’. Property managers in particular are multi-tasking champions, and expert at prioritising tasks – but there is a limit to what any single human can do in a day.  There comes a point where one must simply log off, sign out and lock up – acknowledging that the work day is done! Switching off in the age of buzzing smart phones, notifications and pinging email alerts is easier said than done. In today’s blog, the team from hastings+co offer some practical tips to help you power down and give your mind a much-needed rest.


  1. Say no to notifications.

Heard of airplane mode? Use it! By setting yourself a cut-off time (such as 7pm) and switching your smart phone to airplane mode, you’ll still be able to listen to your favourite Spotify playlist and snap a picture of the sunset on your evening walk – but your notifications will be on pause. Alternatively – if totally disconnecting from the internet scares you silly –  simply mute your notifications – especially emails! You’ll still be able to Google the weather for the weekend and look up that Pad Thai recipe you’ve been dying to try – but your out of office time will be uninterrupted. And don’t worry, your emails will still be there tomorrow.

  1. Set yourself some boundaries.

Remember that predicament we discussed above – where 8:30pm rolled into the office like it was nobody’s business? Prevent the sorry leaving now! lost track of time text messages by setting yourself an alarm for workday. Perhaps set one for 5:00pm – where you can stop and take a moment to consider what absolutely must be done before close of business. Then, set one for 5:30pm, 6pm and 7pm. This way time can’t slip through your fingers. You’re conscious of the hours passing and in control of how you’re spending your evening.

  1. Choose a way to relax

Whether it’s spending time with your family and friends, cooking, reading a book or watching The Crown on Netflix, it’s important to factor relaxation into your day. It may seem like an obvious tip – but if you’re used to being ‘on’ all day, this truly can be a struggle. Find something you enjoy and make sure you prioritise it!

Success in the real estate industry doesn’t come from clocking the most hours in a week, but from having the energy to perform to the very best of your ability when you are at work. So, for a little balance and some much-needed personal time – do yourself a favour and switch off!