Meet the Team: Jade and Leonie

In today’s blog, we’re pleased to introduce you to Jade Dobbie and Leonie Byron – two wonderful new additions to the hastings+co team. In conversation with General Manager Shannon Vallance, the ladies discuss their day-to-day roles, share their take on the real estate industry and give us the insider goss on the best playlists to play for ultimate trust accounting productivity.

Shannon: Hi ladies! We’re so happy to have you both on board. Can you share your roles at hastings+co and the critical elements of your position?

Jade: My role at hastings+co is as Trust Account Manager to my direct clients. In my role it’s really important to have fine attention to detail whilst always remaining a step or two ahead, identifying any potential problems that might arise for a client. Time management is important, too!

Leonie: I’m also a Trust Account Manager. And for me, the three most important skills to bring to my role at hastings+co are accuracy, efficiency and having an eye for detail. It’s great to work with a team who share so many similar values.

Shannon: What are your stories ladies? How did you come to be at hastings+co?

Jade: I recently moved to Melbourne from Darwin on a whim, and was lucky enough to come across hastings+co – and I’m loving it! I have been working within the real estate industry for nearly six years, and have experience in property management, office management, general accounting, HR and trust accounting. My previous role in Darwin was within a small real estate business, which challenged me to take on many roles simultaneously. It was a perfect opportunity to learn about the various aspects of agency compliance. Subsequently, I have a deep knowledge of best practice across an agency.

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Leonie Byron, Trust Account Manager

Leonie: Growing up, everyone (myself included!) thought I would become an accountant, as I loved working with numbers and money. But I soon realised my heart wasn’t 100% in it. During University, I decided I wanted to work in real estate and the following year I became a Property Manager. I enjoyed my time working within property management  -I learned so much – but ultimately the role was not right for me. I took some time out and decided that I wanted to become a Trust Account Manager – that’s when an opportunity at hastings+co appeared! My role is a perfect combination of both accounting and property management.

Shannon: What are you looking forward to most about working with hastings+co’s clients?

Jade: The diversity of the clients we assist means no two days are ever the same. Working with hastings+co clients from across Australia is awesome: it’s satisfying to help support agencies work through compliance and trust accounting matters – and it’s fascinating to see how different clients work within their own businesses.

Leonie: I enjoy bringing my accounting and property management knowledge to bear upon the conundrums of hastings+co’s clientele. I appreciate how much peace of mind having a trust accounting professional’s skills on-tap can offer real estate agencies.

Shannon: Which elements of trust accounting practice do you enjoy most?


Jade Dobbie, Trust Account Manager

Jade: I find reconciling and fixing errors very fulfilling! Finding a problem, investigating what went wrong and how, and then finding a solution is always interesting. Every change is part of a larger story for each agency client.

Leonie: I enjoy ensuring all statements are exact – down to the very last cent! I know that such a process might seem extremely tedious to some –  but when everything balances perfectly it’s fantastic, a great feeling!

Shannon: Sometimes the real estate industry gets a ‘bad rap’. How do feel about that?

Jade: I do agree that the industry has a ‘bad rap’. In my opinion, that’s because people are more likely to talk about a bad experience than they are a good one. It’s a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week industry, which means those who work within it are bombarded from every direction at all hours. I find most bad experiences can be resolved or prevented if communication is priority. That’s how we manage things at hastings+co.

Leonie: The real estate industry unfortunately does have a poor reputation with the public. Unfairly so! When it comes to competing for property – whether you’re a buyer or a tenant –someone is always going to miss out. This is when negative feelings about estate agents emerge. We know our clients have many demands upon them. That’s why hastings+co’s range of services are here to support our clients when they need extra assistance.


Shannon: They’re really great insights, ladies. Ok, let’s change the mood a little – who are your sources of motivation, what do you find inspiring?

Jade: There are many that come to mind, I find the people who stand out strongly to me are honest, kind, vibrant, mindful people. I’ve been fortunate to meet many amazing people from all walks of life – it’s those with these qualities that always stick with me.

Leonie: The people I am inspired by the most are resilient – those who give you the sense that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.

Shannon: Finally, let’s talk music! What is your favourite Spotify playlist to work to?

Jade: I am loving the personalised daily mixes that Spotify comes up with. They are a great mix of songs Spotify thinks I would like or songs I have forgotten about! My music is a mixed bag from Rock to Rap to RnB.

Leonie: Discover Weekly or Billboard Top 100 – always!

hastings+co are excited to welcome Jade and Leonie to our team. Today’s blog is just a brief taste of their vibrant personalities and passion for real estate trust accounting. They’re looking forward to working with all our wonderful clients.